Friday, December 31, 2010

A New Letter from Odilia :)

Hi Everyone,

Odilia's second letter to the group came today :) She writes everyone's name except for our last two sponsors who just came on board (Macky and Gwyn). Macky and Gwyn, be sure to send her a photo of yourself so that she can add it to the group album of photos!

Dear Emily, Lory, Dee, Kim, Annie, Swanel, Mike, Aaryn, Cindy, and Shana

I am sending you a warm greeting with so much love. I hope this letter finds you healthy. I was so happy when I got your letter. I look forward (to) your album with your pictures. I will see how you look like. Let me tell you that I am going to attend 5th grade next year. Let me tell you that I have 3 youngest nephews and I take care of them. I love them too much. I like to help my mom with the chores. My parents and I are so grateful for your support. All of you are in our prayers. May God bless you. I say goodbye to all of you.

Odilia Lizeth Reynoso Macario

I think that she wrote this after I send a letter through email and told her about all of us and the album. Hope we will see more photos soon! I posted the letter into the album of her letters. If you want a larger copy, just let me know and I can email it to you. I will also post it to her blog a little later.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

SNG Photos

SNG Letter

New Letter and Photos of Odilia!

Hi Odilia's Sponsors,

Today was a very good day! A letter and photos were sent to the group. Mike, I think that these are in response to your Special Needs Donation because it was sent to the group and not to the anonymous donor who donated before we created the group. I'll post the letter and the photos here, if this is okay. Mike, if you send me your address, I will forward everything to you. She's very beautiful in the photos and she selected beautiful clothes, shoes, and also a blender. Now, I can tell that she likes tops that have intricate designs on them :) Her letter says:

Dear Sponsor: (on the letterhead)

I greet you in this beautiful day. I want to tell you that I am in good health along (with) my family. My wish is that this letter finds you well. I want to tell you that I am so happy for your donation. I bought 3 pairs of jeans, 3 blouses, 1 pair of shoes, 1 blanket, 4 bloomers, and 1 blender. My family and I are so grateful for your support. Thank you very much from the bottom of your heart. Your support will be so useful for our house. Let me tell you that I am going to attend 5th grade next year. I will do my best in order to be the best in my schooling. I want to want to go forward with my education. Blessings. May God bless you. Kisses and hugs with love.

Odilia Lizeth Reynoso Macario

I'll upload the photos in a few. God bless.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Odilia's First Letter

Hi everyone,

Odilia's first letter arrived today! I will post the front and the back in the photo section. She only addresses her letter to "Sponsor" so I don't think that she knew at this time that she is sponsored by a group. At this time she had not received her introductory letter, messages and gifts from us. I am going to call tonight to see if anything has arrived. She sounds really sweet and says:

"Hello Dear Sponsor,

I greet you with so much love wishing this letter finds you healthy. Let me tell you that I am a cheerful child along (with) my parents. I am so excited to know that you are my sponsor. My parents and I want to thank you for all the benefits. I will pray for you and your family. I say goodbye to you with kisses and hugs.
