Friday, December 31, 2010

A New Letter from Odilia :)

Hi Everyone,

Odilia's second letter to the group came today :) She writes everyone's name except for our last two sponsors who just came on board (Macky and Gwyn). Macky and Gwyn, be sure to send her a photo of yourself so that she can add it to the group album of photos!

Dear Emily, Lory, Dee, Kim, Annie, Swanel, Mike, Aaryn, Cindy, and Shana

I am sending you a warm greeting with so much love. I hope this letter finds you healthy. I was so happy when I got your letter. I look forward (to) your album with your pictures. I will see how you look like. Let me tell you that I am going to attend 5th grade next year. Let me tell you that I have 3 youngest nephews and I take care of them. I love them too much. I like to help my mom with the chores. My parents and I are so grateful for your support. All of you are in our prayers. May God bless you. I say goodbye to all of you.

Odilia Lizeth Reynoso Macario

I think that she wrote this after I send a letter through email and told her about all of us and the album. Hope we will see more photos soon! I posted the letter into the album of her letters. If you want a larger copy, just let me know and I can email it to you. I will also post it to her blog a little later.

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